Exclusive VIP Days with Ananta

 In July & August 2024 in Person (England) & Online.

A one to one rare opportunity

for a very limited number of Beings.

Are You Here to step into your most empowered Self?

Spend the day/evening with Ananta and have Individual tailored and focused attention on You and explore your next level of evolution and embodiment of Who You came here to Be.

Apply Now.

Perhaps you are a Consultant, Mentor, Coach leading others and would like a supportive container or deeper exploration and mentoring blast for yourself?

Expand into your next level and serve your clients in a more advanced or deeper way?

Or you are successful in some areas of your life yet feel a lack in deeper meaning and inner fulfillment?

I would be honoured to support you with 25+ years experience of serving others and taking you to your next level.

As a private VIP client, Ananta will be prioritizing working with you energetically throughout the entire period you are booked, bringing you an amazing opportunity for a deep True Meeting in a space of Pure Presence. 
If you have a deep resonance with Ananta's work, and are sincerely looking for truly powerful support in a mentor that transmits depth, integrity and experience to empower you in your highest expression, while integrating the ground floor of humanness, then look no further.
Awakening and transformation in all areas of life - spiritual, physical, mental and emotional.
If this is of interest to you please fill out the application form below and Ananta will be in touch soon with further details.

In Gratitude & Joy...

“ A note of gratitude and joy for the time spent walking beside you with the mentoring package. The wisdom and clarity I received from you and signposts for deeper investigation I am now living with a sense of ease and happiness.

To experience such a safe and loving environment alongside being fully witnessed and seen by one who is so deeply embodied as our true self is beyond words.

The one to one time spent with you allowed a gentle unfolding of old conditioned beliefs to be seen clearly and recognised as no assistance anymore. Revealing a “felt“ ease and peace. This continues to deepen and deepen and the joy of living this is immense.

Your transparency/self honesty is delightfully refreshing and reassuring. All of which expresses with a sense of enjoyment and simultaneously the beauty of self realisation/ recognition.

Such gratitude for you and your offering a mentoring sessions. It is rare in these times to have the opportunity to work one to one who is so deeply embodied as our true self.

I no longer feel any need to censor my language written or spoken through non duality . When I say my, I , I am etc it’s like there is a clarity that I’m speaking of my true identity, awareness, so it’s almost as if the language takes a back seat and the true location is the only priory if you like.

There is a living “ felt” alive sense of ease and peace in daily life.

With the deepest gratitude"

- Amanda. UK