Work with Ananta

Break Free: Evolve and Create

weekend intensive
Ananta Kranti ~ Break Free, Evolve, and Create: A Journey to Your True Self


Break Free... 

Of egoic tendencies.

The aspect in you that takes things personally, or tells you things like ‘you are worthless’,  ‘you can’t do it’ or fear driven behaviours that come as a result. And all the reactions that are based on that root of false identification.



Through triggers and old behaviours.

Meet those activated places differently than how you ever have before. Remain aware of those limiting ways of thinking through you but Shift the Focus to where all possibilities are available and you are already in the energy of where you wish to go. Stay aligned to this energy and focus.



Always create space for clear seeing to happen.

Be aware of what you are creating and of what you are empowering. Where is it coming from, egoic tendencies or from you as free awareness?  You are all ways creating and will manifest according to your focus and belief system.

What do you wish to create? 

Will you stay true to the energy of that or will you be cancelled by fear and 'security' to remain safe?

The Pivotal Moments

In the journey of personal development, there are pivotal moments that invite us to break free from the chains that bind us. These chains are often forged from our egoic tendencies—the inner voice that criticizes, doubts, and instills fear. 

This aspect of ourselves takes things personally, whispering debilitating thoughts like "you are worthless" or "you can't do it."

It's the source of fear-driven behaviors and reactions rooted in a false identification of who we truly are. 

Recognizing and breaking free from these tendencies is the first step towards a profound transformation.


Break Free: Of Egoic Tendencies

The path to liberation begins with understanding the ego's role in our lives. The ego is not our enemy; rather, it's a part of us that needs to be understood and transcended. It's the aspect that takes things personally, leading to a cycle of negative self-talk and limiting beliefs. Breaking free requires us to identify these patterns and consciously choose to step away from them. It's about realizing that we are not the thoughts and fears the ego presents to us. We are much more.


Evolve: Through Triggers and Old Behaviours

Evolution is a process of meeting our triggers and old behaviors in new ways. It involves becoming aware of the moments when we're activated and choosing to respond differently.

This doesn't mean suppressing our reactions but rather observing them with awareness and compassion.

By shifting our focus from limiting thoughts to the realm of possibilities, we align ourselves with the energy of our aspirations. It's in this space that we can remain true to our path, staying focused on our goals and the energy that propels us forward.


Create: Space for Clear Seeing to Happen

Creating space for clear seeing is about being mindful of what we're empowering in our lives. It's recognizing the power of our focus and the energy we're feeding into our thoughts and actions.

By creating an atmosphere of success, we open ourselves to clear seeing—recognizing our true potential and the opportunities that align with our highest good.

This space allows us to see beyond the immediate challenges and limitations, fostering an environment where growth and success are not just possible but inevitable.



It's a Continuous Process

The journey of personal development is a continuous process of breaking free from egoic tendencies, evolving through our triggers and old behaviors, and creating space for clear seeing. It's a path that requires awareness, compassion, and a commitment to growth.

By staying aligned with the energy of our true selves and focusing on the possibilities that lie ahead, we can transform our lives in profound ways.

Remember, the journey to your true self is not about becoming someone new but rediscovering who you've always been. Embrace this journey with an open heart, and watch as you unfold into the fullest expression of your being.


Realizing your True Potential

For those embarking on this journey, remember that every step forward is a step towards realizing your true potential.

Keep focused, stay aware, and let your journey of personal development unfold in its own beautiful, unique way.



We welcome you to join us on May 25th and 26th starting at 12:30pm BST


How to Break Free in the Midst of Pain and Move into Free Flow...


We begin with a ‘guided meditation’ dropping deeply at the source of Being, your True Nature, where Peace always is, we rest deeply in THAT for approximately 30 mins, followed by a transmission from Ananta and invited interaction, exploration and self inquiry.






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