Work with Ananta

This is Not a Teaching... This is a True Meeting

a gem from the archives direct transmission/satsang guidance from ananta
I AM, Teaching, Self Realisation, Meeting Truth




Full Transcript from a 2016 Retreat in Southern Spain


My intention here is not a teaching.  It’s not a teaching. Because I know that deeply in you, is what I am, which is the knower of the whole universe. Deeply in you is pure knowing. There is nothing to teach to that, that doesn’t need to be taught. And to teach a separate little entity to become that, would be a complete lie.  

There’s no need to teach, but I do come here with a full intention to truly meet, deeply; to meet your depth… and to commune with you. To meet your heart, with this heart, to meet deeply. And in this meeting, of course, whenever there is a true meeting, that naturally will move all the layers of self-identity which is still taking itself to be a separate entity. It will move all of that. It will disrupt all of that. And that has to be seen by the knowing in you. It has to  been seen and it has to be met for the clearing of that. And there is no, as far as I’m concerned, 20 years of walking This, walking awake… awake to what is awake… there’s no jumping over that, there’s no skipping over that. 

As far as I’m concerned, when that recognition, that… that awakeness recognizes itself in your system, that is going to move I don’t know how many thousands of years, I don’t know much history, but it is going to move all the belief systems all through humanity all down the ages, it’s going to move all of that through your body to come undone. It’s going to move that. And that will have to be met in this awakeness. 

And on the level of this little person, that can be tremendous difficulty; it can be all the pain that’s been unmet in our human… human…ummm… ‘identification’, all the pain down the ages that’s never been met, but in all the ways that it’s been brushed over, avoided, or whatever, it’s all going come through your existence in one way or another. Because there’s One Consciousness here. There is only One Consciousness, not just here in this room, but all through the planet, obviously.  

But in this room, you will see it without doubt, that one little movement, just one little movement, (side conversation to a participant… please drink) just one little movement (don’t you feel refreshed when she drinks?), just one little movement, you will see it easily in here. One little movement moves you, moves whatever, in you. You see it so easily in a little meeting like this, and that shows you what’s happening collectively.  

So depending on what you’re feeding, you’re moving the field. What you’re giving your attention to, what you’re feeding, you’re moving that through the field. And if you can see it in a little room like this, in a little collective energy field like this, then you will see that’s what’s happening on the planet.  

So it matters, it really, really matters what you feed, what you give your life to. Now I’m supposing that travelling all the way here, bringing yourself here, the calling in your heart … what is the calling in your heart K.? What is the deepest calling in your heart? … long pause… So you don’t even need to answer, but I put it to you, right? I put it to you. Because there’s no other reason to be here other than that. 

Don’t be here to get something, don’t be here to become something, don’t be here to avoid anything, but the deepest calling in your heart to, to be recognized and moved into life, into your lived life.  If what you know in your deepest knowing is not living your life, then your life sucks, basically. Because you live this contradiction, there’s something that you know so deep down and the actions of your life are being moved from something else. And that sucks.  

That is the first separation, that is the first duality. The first duality between your deepest knowing, your deepest aware… being… and your experience of what you are putting into action in the world. That first duality. If that duality is taking place within you, your whole life is fuelled by that. It’s a, it’s a common thing. 

But that’s what this, this sharing, this meeting is going to be really… ummm… focused on, is really seeing… how… what are you moving from into life. What are you moving from into life?  How you are creating your world, by what you move from.  So, in this little energy field, the invitation here is to really, really wake up in how one little movement in you moves all. To really wake up in that, is to be so present and aware, watching your every movements. You know, we’re going to be, apart from these sessions, we’re going to be silently being together, and we’re going to be… we’re going to really be together.  

...short pause...

I’ve got no idea, I tell you that. I’ve got no idea whatsoever. I just come and sit here, and what’s in this field moves this voice, it moves through me. Whatever’s in the field moves This.  

…long pause...

So you will see that any movement, like when we start the sharing and I start moving intimately with each one, that’s you… that’s always you. It cannot be another, and you will see that in the way that I move with…for example, with one… you will see what that moves in you. 

So for that reason, I ask you to be here totally, totally, to be here totally for yourself. It means that if I am moving with one, you are all here for that. You’re not moving off in some private world, judging and comparing and making notes or dreaming. When that is felt in my system, I will call you back.  Is that okay?  laughter…  

Ananta to a participant: What is your name?  


Ananta: B., hello. Francais? 

B. From France. I met you in Montpelier with M., I’m a friend of M.  

Ananta:  Ahh. In the open meeting in Montpelier we met? Yes?

B. Yes. One afternoon.

Ananta to B.: Welcome. 

B. Thank you. 

Ananta to the group: This is so beautiful, you come from so many different parts of the world to come and be here. You know, it’s like the exact energies that need to take this journey together as one, are here. The exact.  Is it S.?  The exact energies, in exactly the way that it’s come together as one.  It’s already happened. 

Ananta to S.: There was no way to get out. …laughter

Ananta to the group: She sent me a message last night saying that she is off to London. …laughter… There was no way! …laughter…  

Ananta to S. It’s so beautiful that you are here. You didn’t escape. You didn’t escape and let your emotional world run your life. You took one step to your own empowerment by not being run by your emotional world. This is the taste of freedom. Yeah? Because when we are living from being run by our emotional world, and we take actions and movements from that level, we create and recreate on that level.  

But when we can see it, when we are aware that that pull is wanting to take us into certain habitual patterned actions. When we are aware of that, there appears a choice, and it’s a choice-less choice, and you are aware, because that knowing won’t leave you alone. And we are here to deepen in this knowing. To deepen in this knowing and bring this knowing into lived experience. And this is where lovemaking begins, real lovemaking. This is true tantra. Alright? 

Why don’t you take one moment to just turn around and look, look at each other. Just take a moment to just turn around and meet the eyes of each other. … long pause…

You are only going to see the same One.

Ananta to a participant: What is the deepest calling in your heart?  

P.: To be right here. The same one that you are.

Ananta: Who else? Yeah. You already are that and you know that, right? Yeah.

How to… how to come from that in all that we do, how to… ahh  accept this invitation that evolution is presenting… us…   to be remade into the new human and actually walk from this knowing in all that we do, in all that we are in every moment.

P: It’s falling. 

Ananta: Mmm?

P: Falling.

Ananta: Falling?  What’s falling?

Ahh, you mean when I say ‘how to’, I wasn’t really asking a question. It’s really like… that endeavour is really what all the beings who are awakening in this, in this river that’s moving fast to the ocean, all the beings that are in this, this ahh river flow of being woken up to what they really, truly are; this is the… ahh… challenge and the invitation to completely come undone. All of what is taking place in humanity to come undone through our bodies. Yeah? And this is really what we are all in.  

Yeah, it’s a constant dying and a constant being born.  And as far as I see, as far as I realize, that is really endless and it’s really just this total commitment, this total marriage to taking every single moment and every opportunity to be more and more true, and more and more real.

I have no idea how come these words move when I look into you.  It’s just that’s what is moving through me as I commune with you.  I have no idea and no reasoning, it’s just like that, but thank you because it’s really like…  (addressing the whole group) as I was saying a moment before, you know, it’s really like each and everyone here, each and every single one is an aspect, an aspect of Consciousness showing up.  

And each and every one here will show a unique expression, a unique aspect of that One Consciousness. Each and everyone is going to show an aspect that is known in you, and will bring a different movement through this one. Because all that I am, I just make myself totally available to take you in, to take you in completely and become you, and therefore It guides Itself.

There is no ‘Ananta’ here doing that work, except that Ananta in Sanskrit is eternal. It is that One. It is that Eternal One moving Itself. And I find this, like for myself, with each and everyone I meet and I open myself up to really be available; I find this so fascinating how It’s so accurate, how It just moves that, you’re incredibly... you will see It as It comes forward, you will see how that moves Itself when we are so available.  



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