Work with Ananta

You Move These Words Through Me… and You Taste the Essence

a gem from the archives direct transmission/satsang
You are here to really wake up to what you Truly Are.


Excerpt from an Intensive on Koh Phangan, Thailand with Ananta Kranti

You are here to really wake up to what you Truly Are. To who you really Are.

I mean, there are so many versions of you, changing all through your life. What you Are behind all of that never changes, the very Essence of your BEing is what you Are first of all.

And how we move into the world, from which place we move, is what manifests in our world. So the very place from which you move from, will manifest your world. 

If we move from the very Essence of our BEing, that’s how we meet our world – and of course all the ordinary things are still happening – how we meet that, is going to be very, very different, than if we have landed in an identification with a separate little me – with its whole bag of identity. When we are identified with that little bag of identity, whatever comes up in our lives, in the ordinary things (the same things come up for everybody) is going to be a very different experience then if you are meeting life from a deeper place of what you Are.

So the way you meet the world, is the way the world meets you.

As a human race we are facing great challenge right now. On the whole planet. You don’t need me to tell you that people are starving and getting bombed, and living under conditions that we cannot even imagine. It is really a difficult condition on the planet through human consciousness. And it is the same for us here in a different way.

We have the privilege to sit in rooms like this and focus on consciousness. This is our privilege, do you know how privileged your are to arrive at this point?! 

And if you are still sitting in that, going “poor me” – in any way, then life is going to hurt you a little bit more, Because until you realize the privilege that you are in, you are lost in the [you know]. 
So it’s what life is giving us now, whatever…

I’m going to share with you is not like my teaching to you. It is not going to be like that. I will provoke and evoke your True BEing, the recognition of That and the undoing of what is not true in your world, because we are not just this True Essence. We are also here to live in a human form to live as human. How are we going to walk as this human, what are we going to leave this planet with? What is our imprint in this lifetime? What are you here for? What is your imprint? What is your drop in this ocean? Because you are here for a very short time so what is your imprint? And if your life is not all about that, what is your life all about?

Can you just sense, can you just taste (as you hear these words), can you taste that, can you taste that? Something is being touched with these words. Something is being touched… It is a deeper knowing. You long to really live from what you Are. You long for this, I can feel you, you move these words through me, because you are calling this.

They don’t come from me, they come from what is Here, in the room. 

So you are moving That, and That touches you where you want to be touched. And then you can taste that Essence, that….. mmmmmmmm.

When we really allow That to come through us, then our life is a life of fulfillment. It is not fulfillment that comes in the future that is dependent on circumstance, about what we get or don’t get. It is a life that moves from fulfillment.

That will be challenged you know, by every bit of life, it will come to challenge, and bring everything that you don’t want, and everything that disturbs That, and everything that is really really [….]. To break you through, it either breaks you down, or you break through into the next version of what you can Be. 

So on our planet, right now, this is happening, Because we are being made into the next version of the human race. It is the end of a civilization. We are moving very fast towards the end of civilization. I give you a date and you don’t have to believe it, by 2026 we are completely new human beings. From what we have ever known in generations before, does no longer exist. As we are being made new all that is old, worn out and can’t work anymore: like all the bank systems are falling apart, the schools are falling apart, marriage is falling apart, the bargain, the institutions; everything is falling apart. Because it cannot work anymore, it belongs to the old system. 

So what will come in its place? You might notice in your experience a cranking up of the volume, the volume is cranking up. You are having more and more access to what we used to call ‘telepathic’ before. But soon it will be called normal. That you don’t actually need mobile phones, that we are always communicating, we are always in touch. The conversation that is already happening, we would have called it telepathic, somebody would have to have powers so that they can do that.

But slowly, slowly as filters are being removed from you, That is just naturally there. Wow, it is like wow, wow, wow. But actually it is what is Here, it is only One. 

You will see in this one day that we are together, which is not even a day, but we have to call it something so let’s call it a day. So in this one day, we have the meeting of One, you will see the absolute undeniable proof of that over and over. That, That which looks through your eyes is looking at you. That which is seeing, is seeing ItSelf. This is what we have read in books and we tried to contemplate on for hours and hours and hours but we don’t have time for that anymore. The planet is in its own desperate shift. The planet does not care, but that is our experience. So to come to know this One, here in this room, is to come to know the One on the whole planet. 

So tell me about the little smile around your lips!


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