Discover how to Find Clarity In the Midst of Dysfunctional Patterns.


So that you experience more freedom within triggers, become more aware and make conscious choices instead of being run on automatic reactions.

Ananta Kranti offers Deep interactive Inquiry in live interactions that lead you to directly experience true Self recognition, self empowerment, transformation and freedom.


Here is a live unedited recording of the beautful 'Meeting in Truth' that took place in July 2021.

Where do you reside in yourself in the midst of Dysfunctional triggers?

  • In this meeting Ananta begins with a guided deep drop into the unified field of Pure Presence, Love and Peace. A felt sense of 'oneness' can be experienced in a deeply tantric way without any separation. 

A deeply potent and transformative meeting, valuable to anyone looking to integrate old trauma wounding from a place of free awareness.